happy birthday philbert :D
woot happy birthday to mr lee quan feng philbert aka Leeqf- :D thx for the treat at taste of thailand... sorry that we came late as we were listening to some advices from the gym trainer :D anyway we still made it hehe... sianz why must brothers fight among ourselves ? just because somebody small gas (xiao qi) then must fight... still lucky we gt people to maintain peace. shall not elaborate on the incident, not too sure what happen haha but no matter what we are still brothers, not blood brothers but best friends that we treat as blood brothers =] forgive and forget, know your limits... don't be a fucker :D anyway shall stop here very tired le nights ^^.V
waB : we are Brathers!
waB : we are Brathers!
if you agree, i'll add ur link to my blog, and u add mine in yours, I'm waiting for ur answer
Posted by
Mohammad |
12:13 PM